Insurance Needs Analysis for Business Owners

Obsidian Planning Solutions reviews your personal and business insurance needs and ensures proper coverage and protection.


Rest assured that you have the right types and amounts of coverage.

Insurance Needs Analysis


Know that you have taken the time to prepare for difficult times.

Insurance Needs Analysis


Periodically review and update your coverages to ensure life long protection.

Insurance Needs Analysis

Business owners don’t leave anything to chance

  • Do you have sufficient coverage across your personal and business assets?
  • Are you completely prepared for the worst-case scenarios?
  • Do you regularly review and update your coverages?

As a successful entrepreneur, you enjoy the benefits of wealth.

And more wealth means more risk. If you fail to secure the proper insurance types and amounts, you expose yourself to financial and emotional challenges during stressful life events. 

Here’s how you can join other business owners who are confident about their wealth management.

Here’s how you could join other business owners who are confident about their real estate investments.

Insurance Needs Analysis

1. Schedule a Conversation

Your time is valuable, and we don't want to waste it. Let's get to know each other and see if there's a fit with a complimentary, no-obligation conversation.

Insurance Needs Analysis

2. Receive a Free Competitive Analysis

You will get a comprehensive analysis to show how your business compares to your competitors.

Insurance Needs Analysis

3. Review, Track, and Monitor Progress

You will have a dedicated planner, a process designed especially for busy owners, tailor-made strategies, and a timely follow-up to keep you on track.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to face these questions head-on, like everything else you do in life.

Insurance Needs Analysis

Insurance Assessment

Our team will review all of your policies and determine any unnecessary exposure.

Insurance Needs Analysis

Coverage Guidance

You will receive recommendations on the most appropriate insurance to handle your particular situation.

Insurance Needs Analysis

Proactive Planning

You need a plan for regular review and updates to ensure that you don’t outgrow your insurance protections.

We help business owners make informed decisions

Most people don’t value insurance until they need it. At Obsidian Planning Solutions, we understand and have also seen what happens when business owners aren’t adequately insured.

When it comes to insurance, you don’t want to leave yourself vulnerable. And you can’t afford to be wasteful. Sometimes, you may not even realize there is a gap in your coverage. Without having an impartial advisor provide you with a comprehensive insurance analysis, you could leave yourself and your loved ones unprotected.

Talking about insurance can be a grim topic. However, the investment of your time leads to preparedness, should something unplanned happen.

You’re so diligent in the management of your personal and business assets. The more you ask the “what ifs,” the better prepared you’ll be when they present themselves.

If you’ve performed an insurance needs analysis at least once, you’re further ahead than 90% of your peers. Like any plan, you need to review it regularly. Preparing the right legal documents and securing the right types and amounts of insurance are not “set-it-and-forget-it” tasks.

When you go through our insurance analysis process, you’ll have confidence in your coverage, feel prepared, and so will your management team, and loved ones.

Insurance Needs Analysis
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Five Things Designed to
Protect Your Future

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