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Obsidian Planning

Obsidian Market Update 4/22/2022

market update

Hello friends!

Happy Earth Day! If you’re in the Virginia or Maryland area, you might have seen the snow on Monday. Maybe that was Mother Nature’s way of celebrating early?

This week we’ll look at the “unretiring” trend and then check out some fun facts about Earth Day. Let’s get into it!

Tom Brady is an example of many things, but one of his more recent trend-setting moves is unretiring. He retired from football and then returned. And it turns out, it’s been more common lately than you may have thought.

Essentially, many people retired earlier than they normally might have during the pandemic. There are a few reasons for that, including the increase in home and portfolio values, as well as a reevaluation of priorities brought on by a pandemic.

Now though, we’re seeing some of those same people leaving retirement and returning to the workforce, for the inverse of many of the reasons they left. The markets are currently more volatile and people might have realized that retirement is not what it’s cracked up to be. Also, there is a lot more flexibility in the workplace than there was before the pandemic, so if people can work remotely from their dream retirement destination, why not make some extra bucks?

If you’re interested in retiring or unretiring, give us a call! We’ll walk you through what your financial future can look like either way.

Today is Earth Day! Last week we talked about some sustainable living practices, and this week we’re bringing the fun facts. Here are some of our favorite Earth Day trivia-winners:

  • Earth Day was born on April 22, 1970. Happy 52nd birthday!
  • Given its year of birth, it might seem like Earth Day was created by a group of hippies, but it was actually the brainchild of Wisconsin Governor, Gaylord Nelson. Governor Nelson believed that the environment was part of every problem, from pollution to child hunger. He became known as the “Conservation Governor” and went on to become a champion for the environment in the U.S. Senate.
  • Earth Day started as a teach-in for the environment to build support for a  brand new environmental movement.
  • The Earth Day movement is both grassroots and worldwide, virtual and on the ground. It has global support and recognition–even the United Nations recognizes it.

What is your favorite Earth Day activity?

That’s it for us this week! We’ll be right back here next Friday.

How We Help:


We met with clients recently to discuss estate planning. When we reviewed their trust, we discovered that their estate plan had not been updated in many years. The successor trustee had passed away and a new person had to be added to the trust. We helped to guide them in deciding who would be the best person to fill the appropriate roles in their estate plan. If you need help with estate planning, you know what to do–call us.


Advisory Services offered through Obsidian Personal Planning Solutions, LLC. Securities are offered through Triad Advisors, member FINRA/SIPC. Obsidian Personal Planning Solutions, LLC, and Obsidian Personal Planning Solutions, Inc, are not affiliated with Triad Advisors.